
當(dāng)前位置:希尼爾首頁(yè) > 英文法規(guī) >中國(guó)人民銀行信托投資公司資金信托管理暫行辦法-中英雙語(yǔ)


青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2016年8月3日整理發(fā)布

第一條 為了規(guī)范信托投資公司資金信托業(yè)務(wù)的經(jīng)營(yíng)行為,保障資金信托業(yè)務(wù)各方當(dāng)事人的合法權(quán)益,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國(guó)信托法》、《中華人民共和國(guó)中國(guó)人民銀行法》和中國(guó)人民銀行《信托投資公司管理辦法》的有關(guān)規(guī)定,制定本辦法。

  第二條 本辦法所稱(chēng)資金信托業(yè)務(wù)是指委托人基于對(duì)信托投資公司的信任,將自己合法擁有的資金委托給信托投資公司,由信托投資公司按委托人的意愿以自己的名義,為受益人的利益或者特定目的管理、運(yùn)用和處分的行為。


  第三條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù)取得的資金不屬于信托投資公司的負(fù)債;信托投資公司因管理、運(yùn)用和處分信托資金而形成的資產(chǎn)不屬于信托投資公司的資產(chǎn)。

  第四條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù)時(shí)應(yīng)遵守下列規(guī)定:







  第五條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù)可以依據(jù)信托文件的約定,按照委托人的意愿,單獨(dú)或者集合管理、運(yùn)用、處分信托資金。



  第六條 信托投資公司集合管理、運(yùn)用、處分信托資金時(shí),接受委托人的資金信托合同不得超過(guò)200份(含200份),每份合同金額不得低于人民幣5萬(wàn)元(含5萬(wàn)元)。

  第七條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù),應(yīng)與委托人簽訂信托合同。采取其他書(shū)面形式設(shè)立信托的,按照法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定設(shè)立。


















  第八條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù)時(shí),應(yīng)當(dāng)于簽定信托合同的同時(shí),與委托人簽定信托資金管理、運(yùn)用風(fēng)險(xiǎn)申明書(shū)。




  第九條 受托人制定信托合同或者其他信托文件,應(yīng)當(dāng)在首頁(yè)右上方用醒目字體載明下列文字:


  第十條 信托文件有效期限內(nèi),受益人可以根據(jù)信托文件的規(guī)定轉(zhuǎn)讓其享有的信托受益權(quán)。


  第十一條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù),應(yīng)設(shè)立專(zhuān)門(mén)為資金信托業(yè)務(wù)服務(wù)的信托資金運(yùn)用、信息處理等部門(mén)。


  第十二條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù),應(yīng)指定信托執(zhí)行經(jīng)理及其相關(guān)的工作人員。


  第十三條 信托投資公司違背信托文件的約定管理、運(yùn)用、處分信托資金導(dǎo)致信托資金受到損失的,其損失部分由信托投資公司負(fù)責(zé)賠償。信托投資公司由此而導(dǎo)致的損失,可按《中華人民共和國(guó)公司法》的有關(guān)規(guī)定,要求其董事、監(jiān)事、高級(jí)管理人員承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。

  第十四條 信托投資公司對(duì)不同的資金信托,應(yīng)建立單獨(dú)的會(huì)計(jì)賬戶(hù)分別核算;對(duì)不同的信托,應(yīng)在銀行分別開(kāi)設(shè)單獨(dú)的銀行賬戶(hù),在證券交易機(jī)構(gòu)分別開(kāi)設(shè)獨(dú)立的證券賬戶(hù)與資金賬戶(hù)。

  第十五條 資金信托終止的,信托財(cái)產(chǎn)歸屬于信托文件規(guī)定的人。信托投資公司應(yīng)當(dāng)按照信托文件的規(guī)定書(shū)面通知信托財(cái)產(chǎn)歸屬人取回信托財(cái)產(chǎn)。


  第十六條 信托財(cái)產(chǎn)的歸屬依據(jù)信托合同規(guī)定,可采取現(xiàn)金方式、維持信托終止時(shí)財(cái)產(chǎn)原狀方式或者兩者的混合方式。



  第十七條 資金信托終止,信托投資公司應(yīng)當(dāng)于信托終止后十個(gè)工作日內(nèi)做出處理信托事務(wù)的清算報(bào)告,并送達(dá)信托財(cái)產(chǎn)歸屬人。

  第十八條 信托投資公司辦理資金信托業(yè)務(wù),應(yīng)當(dāng)按季或者按照信托合同的規(guī)定,將信托資金管理的報(bào)告和信托資金運(yùn)用及收益情況表書(shū)面告知信托文件規(guī)定的人。信托期限超過(guò)一年的,每年最少報(bào)告一次。


  第十九條 信托資金管理的報(bào)告書(shū)應(yīng)當(dāng)載明如下內(nèi)容:








  第二十條 信托投資公司應(yīng)當(dāng)妥善保存資金信托業(yè)務(wù)的全部資料,保存期自信托終止之日起不得少于十五年。

  第二十一條 信托投資公司違反本辦法規(guī)定的,由中國(guó)人民銀行按照《金融違法行為處罰辦法》及有關(guān)規(guī)定進(jìn)行處罰;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,暫?;蛘咧敝寥∠滢k理資金信托業(yè)務(wù)的資格。對(duì)有關(guān)的高級(jí)管理人員,中國(guó)人民銀行可以取消其一定期限直至終身的任職資格;對(duì)直接責(zé)任人員,取消其信托從業(yè)資格。

  第二十二條 本辦法由中國(guó)人民銀行負(fù)責(zé)解釋。

  第二十三條 本辦法自2002年7月18日起施行。

Provisional Rules on Entrusted Funds Management of Trust and Investment Companies

  1.These rules are formulated according to the "Trust Law of the People's Republic of China", the " Law on the People's Bank of China of the People's Republic of China" and relevant provisions in the "Rules on administration of Trust and Investment Companies" of the People's Bank of China, so as to standardize entrusted funds management of the Trust and Investment Companies (TICs) and protect legitimate interests of all the involved parties of the entrusted funds management.

  2."Entrusted Funds Management" in these rules refers to the following activities:Based on his or her trust in a TIC, a client entrusts his or her legitimately held funds to the TIC to be managed, used and disposed of by the TIC on its own name in a way that is in line with the client's will and aimed at benefiting the beneficiary or achieving other particular goals.Except TICs established with approval of the People's Bank of China, no other entities or individuals shall be allowed to engage in trust business unless stipulated otherwise by laws and administrative regulations.

  3.Entrusted funds a TIC obtains shall not be regarded as its liabilities, neither shall any assets arising from its management, utilization and disposal of entrusted funds be included in its own assets.

  4.A TIC shall abide by following provisions when conducting entrusted funds management:1) It is not allowed to take deposits in any form or in any disguised way.2) It is not allowed to issue bonds, or finance and conduct any liability business by issuing certificate of entrusted investment, certificate of agent investment, certificate of benefits, certificate of custody of securities or in other ways. 3) It is not allowed to borrow from abroad.4) It is not allowed to promise no losses of entrusted funds or guarantee minimum returns of entrusted funds.5) It is not allowed to promote marketing or publicity through newspaper, TV, radio or other public media.Any TICs that has violated the provisions above will be treated as conducting illegal financing activities. Any losses brought by such irregularities shall be assumed by the investors.

  5.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC may manage, use or dispose of entrusted funds separately or collectively according to the terms of entrustment contract and the will of clients. Separate management, utilization or disposal of entrusted funds refers to the activity that a TIC accepts entrustment of a single client and manage and utilize the entrusted funds separately in an approach determined by the client.Collective management, utilization or disposal of entrusted funds refers to the activity that a TIC accepts entrustment of two or more than two clients and manage and utilize the entrusted funds in an approach determined by the clients or by the TIC on behalf of the clients.

  6.When managing, using or disposing of entrusted funds collectively, a TIC may accept no more than 200 entrustment contracts (200 inclusive) and the amount of each contract shall be no less than RMB50000 yuan (50000 inclusive).

  7.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC shall sign an entrustment contract with the client or in other written form according to laws and administrative regulations to create the entrustment.An entrustment contract shall contain following contents:1) Objectives of the entrustment.2) Name and addresses of the client and the trustee.3) Name and addresses of the beneficiary or the coverage of beneficiaries.4) Denominated currency and amount of entrusted funds.5) Maturity of the entrustment.6) Management of the entrusted property and the trustee's authorization of management, utilization and disposal of entrusted funds.7) Arrangement or specific approach to manage, utilize and dispose of the entrusted funds.8) Calculation of benefits of the entrustment; when and how the benefits to be transferred to the beneficiary.9) Tax payments on the entrusted property; accounting and payment of other costs.10) Calculation of a TIC's remuneration; intervals and modality of remuneration payment.11) Ownership and distribution of the entrusted property when the entrustment terminates.12) Reporting of entrustment affairs.13) Rights and obligations of involved parties of the entrustment.14) Revealing of risks.15) When there are losses resulted form the management of the entrusted funds, who is to assume the losses and how.16) Responsibilities for defaults of the involved parties and resolution of disputes.17) Other items that involved parties of the entrustment deem necessary to be included.

  8.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC shall also sign a statement with the client on the risks involved in the management and utilization of entrusted funds apart from the entrustment contract.Such a statement shall contain following contents:1) Losses resulted from a TIC' s management and utilization of entrusted funds in compliance with the terms of the entrustment contract shall be covered by the entrusted property.2) Losses of entrusted funds due to a TIC's management, utilization and disposal of entrusted funds in violation of the terms of the entrustment contract shall be first compensated by the TIC. If the compensation cannot fully cover the losses, the residue shall be covered by the entrusted property.

  9.When the trustee drafts the entrustment contract or other entrustment documents, he or she shall put following words in bold letters on the top right of the first page:"When managing the entrusted funds, the trustee shall be faithful to its duties and fulfill the obligation of being honest, credible, prudent and efficient. Any risks arising from management of the entrusted funds in compliance with the terms of this entrustment contract shall be covered by the entrusted property, which includes property entrusted by the client and assets arising from the trustee's utilization of that property. Any losses of entrusted funds due to the trustee's violation of entrustment contract or improper disposal of entrustment affairs shall be compensated by the trustee."

  10.Within the validity period of entrustment documents, the beneficiary may transfer its beneficial rights from the entrustment to others according to the entrustment documents.A TIC shall follow needed procedures to process beneficial rights' transfer of the beneficiary.

  11.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC shall establish departments that particularly serve the entrusted funds management, including departments of entrusted funds utilization and information processing.A TIC shall appoint different senior managers to head department of entrusted funds utilization and the department of self-owned funds utilization.

  12.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC shall appoint an executive manager and supporting staff to perform the entrustment.A person to be appointed as executive manager of an entrustment shall have the "Certificate of qualification for trust business manager" issued by the People's Bank of China.

  13.Losses of entrusted funds due to a TIC's management, utilization or disposal of entrusted funds in violation of the terms of the entrustment contract shall be compensated by the TIC. The TIC may require its directors, supervisors and senior management to compensate such resulted losses according to relevant provisions of the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China".

  14.A TIC shall open separate accounts for different entrusted funds. As for different entrustments, separate accounts shall be maintained in banks, while separate securities accounts and funds accounts shall be set up in securities firms.

  15.When a funds entrustment terminates, the entrusted property belongs to the person designated by the entrustment document. The TIC shall inform the owner of the entrusted property in written form to retrieve the entrusted property according to the entrusted document.Entrusted property that has not been retrieved shall be kept in custody by the TIC. During the custody, the custodian shall not use this property, while the benefits during the custody belong to the owner of the entrusted property. Cost of the custody shall be covered by the entrusted property in custody.

  16.Return of the entrusted property may be conducted in cash payment, maintaining the original status of the property as it is when the entrustment terminates, or a combination of these two. In cash payment, a TIC shall encash the entrusted property before the date of distribution or entrustment termination as stipulated in the entrustment contract (If there are public holidays at the moment, the encashment can be deferred accordingly), and deposit the cash in the account designated by the entrustment document.In maintaining the original status of the property as it is when the entrustment terminates, the TIC shall complete the procedure of transferring the entrusted property to the owner within the agreed period of time after the entrustment matures.

  17.When a funds entrustment ends, the TIC shall prepare a liquidation report on its entrustment affairs within 10 working days after the ending of the entrustment and deliver it to the owner of the entrusted property.

  18.When conducting entrusted funds management, a TIC shall inform in written form the person designated by the entrustment document on management of the entrusted funds as well as uses and earnings of the entrusted property on quarterly basis or according to the entrustment contract. For entrustment over one year, the reporting shall be made at least once a year.A TIC shall report information on entrusted funds management to the People's Bank of China according to the "Rules on Administration of Trust and Investment Companies".

  19.Report of entrusted funds management shall contain following contents:1) Management, utilization, disposal and earnings of the entrusted funds.2) Investment portfolio of entrusted funds.3) Profiles of the top 10 projects in terms of invested amount.4) Explanation of change of the executive manager for the entrustment.5) Explanation of substantial change of utilization of the entrusted funds.6) Incidents that involves prosecution or damages to the entrusted property or interests of the client or the beneficiary.7) Other items included in the entrustment contract.

  20.A TIC shall keep carefully all the information of its entrusted funds management at least 15 years after the termination of the entrustment.

  21.Any TIC that has violated these rules shall be punished by the People's Bank of China according to the "Rules on Punishment of Financial Irregularities" and other relevant regulations. If the circumstances are serious, its eligibility for conducting entrusted fund management business may be suspended or revoked. As for those involved senior managers, the People's Bank of China can disqualify them form holding any positions in the trust business for a specified period of time or even for life. As for staff immediately responsible for such a violation, his or her qualification for trust business shall be cancelled.

  22.The People's Bank of China is responsible for the interpretation of these rules.

  23.These rules take effect from July 18, 2002.


中英對(duì)照法規(guī)  英文法規(guī)    中國(guó)人民銀行信托投資公司資金信托管理暫行辦法中英雙語(yǔ) 中國(guó)人民銀行信托投資公司資金信托管理暫行辦法中英對(duì)照 中國(guó)人民銀行信托投資公司資金信托管理暫行辦法英語(yǔ)版
