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Gao Yonghan is an 8-year-old boy and, just like any other boy
his age, he likes to play. But unlike other boys his age he has another
interest — solving Mathematical Olympiad puzzles. Because Gao Yonghan
has an IQ of 146. At the age of 8, he is already learning all the
subjects of junior high by himself at home. Both his school and his
parents are having trouble keeping up with him.
According to Gao’s mother Gao Xin, Yonghan could not even speak
at the age of 2. She took him to the hospital but the doctor did not
find anything problematic. One day, when Yonghan’s grandmother was
carrying him upstairs, she counted “one, two, three, four, five” as she
took each step and, surprisingly, Yonghan suddenly followed with “six,
seven, eight, nine.” At the age of 3, he was doing Sudoku and was able
to recite the times table. After he turned 5, he could solve
Mathematical Olympiad questions of the first and second grade.
Now Yonghan takes three afternoons a week to study at home. His
teacher said Yonghan was the cleverest child she had ever seen in her 20
years of teaching. Though now Yonghan is in the first grade, he is
already able to study courses of the junior high, and his ways of
solving mathematical questions are unique and efficient, according to
the teacher.
Yonghan says his dream is to be a mathematician. For him,
studying is a thing of great fun. However, Yonghan’s parents are now
bewildered about how to educate and raise him in the future since he is
such an exceptional child.