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  It's been reported that China will start charging highway tolls regularly for the long haul.
  The news comes as the Ministry of Transport releases a newly revised draft of rules on highway tolls. In the coming weeks until August 20, authorities will be soliciting public opinions on the draft.
  In one of the draft's highlights, the time limit for charging tolls placed by the government is removed. Instead, the highways could determine their own timeline according to their solvency on loans, a move that could make the charging periods longer.
  Additionally, the operating periods for franchised highways with large-scale investments and long payback periods are allowed to be extended beyond 30 years.
  What Are the Current Rules on Highway Tolls?
  According to the current regulations, the toll periods for highways run by the government are not to be longer than 20 years, while the franchised highways are not allowed to charge for more than 30 years.
  Main Reason Behind Long-Term Toll
  One of the main reasons behind the change is that most highways in China are operating at a loss, while costs are rising and the operators cannot make loan payments on time.
  According to statistics, total losses incurred by highways across China have reached 150 billion Yuan, or around 24 billion US dollars, in 2014.
  Netizens' Reactions
  Some netizens think the change is reasonable, since it may help reduce traffic pressure on the highways, while others doubt that the highways may become 'permanent money withdrawal machines'.
  Many experts have defended the draft, saying it's impossible for the highways to become 'money withdrawal machines', since many of them can't even clear their debts.
  Other Measures
  For a long time, many people have hoped China's highways will offer 'higher speed, lower tolls and more transparency', since the tolls are sometimes too high and the roads may become congested, especially on holidays, causing serious traffic jams.
  According to the draft, new technologies may be applied to charge vehicles without stopping them, which can increase the efficiency of the highways.
  Additionally, the operators of the turnpikes are required to release their annual expenses to the public, in an attempt to make the turnpikes' information transparent.
  Highways Charging Measures in Other Countries
  In the United States:
  In the United States, only 10 percent of the highways are toll-based.
  Highways across the U.S. are mainly funded with government revenues.
  The federal government provides 90 percent of the investments on building highways, and the funding comes from the Federal Highway Trust Fund, which is supported by vehicles' fuel taxes, purchase taxes and users' taxes.
  Thus, highways in America are regarded as free public services.
  In Germany:
  In Germany, only trucks and vans weighing over 12 tons are charged on highways.
  It's believed that trucks could cause more serious damages on roads and discharge more waste, causing more pollution.
  In France:
  About 75 percent of the highways in France are permitted to operate as franchises, which means they could charge tolls.
  The standard of tolls are negotiated between the highway's operators and the infrastructure bureau, under the environment and sustainable development authorities.
  The operators are prohibited from randomly increasing the tolls.


希尼爾翻譯公司  2015-07-23

